There are many enticing reasons why everyone should try out RV life — the campfires, the s’mores, the opportunity to meet new people, and the ability to go anywhere whenever you please are just a few.
While there are many ways to see the United States, what better way to explore our country from the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam than to hop in your very own RV rental and hit the road? In this post, I’m going to tell you the greatest benefits of living in an RV and how you can “live like a full timer” right now!

1. You can live anywhere.
Of course, the first reason to try out RV life is because you can live anywhere you want. Have you ever considered that before? ANYWHERE.
That’s pretty crazy. What other way can you live that allows you the opportunity to live wherever you want?
When my husband was first looking at park ranger jobs, he sent me an email of the states/cities that were hiring, and asked me, “Where do you want to live?”
From that list, I chose the top ten places I thought would be fun to live in. Oregon being the first, I sent him my list. Now, we live on the coast of Oregon.
This time a year ago, I’m not sure what I would have thought if you tnew me this is where I’d be. We have fallen in love with the coast and the rugged landscape Oregon has to offer. We chose Oregon because we wanted to live here and now we do. What a funny, awesome life!

2. You can leave anytime.
Like I mentioned, Jeremy and I will be leaving our wonderful coast side home in late February. Jeremy’s contract with BLM is only six months, and from Oregon we’ll head back to Texas for the RV Entrepreneur Summit.
While we have decided to follow temporary jobs for the purpose of seeing more of this beautiful country, staying somewhere short term also keeps the travel bug alive within you.
If you want to go to the east coast after spending some time on the west coast, you can make a road trip out of it over any designated timeline you prefer.
On the other hand, if there is a personal crisis you need to address, but your friends or family aren’t near by, it’s not difficult to get your rig in order and head their way.
RV life provides endless flexibility when it comes to staying or leaving where you are.

3. You can build community everywhere you go.
One of the most surprising, but beneficial perks of living on the road full time is that you can build community wherever you go.
Besides a couple cousins in Portland, we didn’t know anyone in Oregon.
When we first pulled into our site, we met two couples on either side of us that were both from Texas! Can you believe it? Here we are 4,000 miles from home and out of 100 sites there are two Texas families right next door.
We immediately felt welcome in our new city.
Since then, we’ve become very close to one of those families and feel grateful for the opportunity to have them as part of our community. We’ve also been able to build more solid relationships with all the wonderful people we met at the RVE Summit through Skype, email, social media, and phone calls.
Living on the road, especially among other full timers, means that you automatically have a community around you. The full timer family is special and the relationships are precious.

No matter how long you plan to stay on the road, there are many benefits to trying out RV life at least once. If anything, it gives you a good excuse to visit places around your home country you may have never seen before. So how do you “live like a full timer”? By renting your very own RV on Outdoorsy!
Have you ever thought about living in an RV? If so, are there any questions you have for the full timer community?