Are you planning a road trip in an RV? Depending on where you’re going and what you like to do (and how you like to eat) you’ve got lots of options for what to bring with you. Traveling in an RV lets you travel with the conveniences of home, which can make your trip much more relaxing and fun. But wherever you’re headed, here are my top five things to bring on your road trip – and my top five things to leave behind!
Five Things to Bring On Your Road Trip:
5. Your Favorite Skillet & a Sharp Knife

Whether you’ve bought a new RV and are outfitting it for the first time or you’re renting an RV (in which case they’re providing some kitchen essentials, typically), I highly recommend bringing your favorite skillet and a sharp knife. I’m very fond of a good cast iron skillet. It’s great for easy skillet dinners, crazy desserts and perhaps most helpfully, you can use it on your stovetop or around the campfire.
Is there anything more frustrating than lacking a sharp knife? Preparing raw fruits and veggies, prepping your saute, slicing your meat…getting by without a sharp knife isn’t just difficult and frustrating. It’s dangerous!
4. A Camping Chair
Even when my husband and I are too lazy to open the awning or eat outside at a picnic table, you’ll often see us drag out the camping chair and enjoy some fresh air at our campsite. Having portable seating is also key for places like the beach. And if an RVer asks you over for dinner or drinks, etiquette says you should provide your own seat!
3. Your Favorite Hobby

Like to play the ukulele? Enjoy relaxing with your coloring supplies or a good book? Your road trip is the perfect time to enjoy your hobbies. Don’t leave your crocheting or favorite album at home.
2. A Small Cooler
I’ve traveled with many types of coolers. I recommend keeping one with you that will hold a meal or two of food and drinks. I’ve never seen an RV without a fridge, but having a small cooler for day trips, hiking, sight-seeing or chilling out at the beach can make the trip even better. I like a smaller one, so that carrying it around isn’t an operation and so that it leaves me plenty of space for other things.
1. Hat & Walking Shoes
Common sense? Maybe. But I see too many people spending a day at Disney World (where it’s easy to walk 8-12 miles in one day) in their flip flops. Even if you don’t have any serious hikes in the forecast, if you plan to walk at all, you should bring some walking shoes. A hat is also a must in my book. Protect yourself from the sun and the bugs and your body will thank you!
Five Things to Leave Behind On Your Road Trip:
5. Your Laptop
Seriously. Now, if you have to work while you travel (as I generally do), you won’t be able to avoid the laptop. But if you’re taking a vacation, don’t even bother bringing this! Enjoy the moment. Your work will be there later, but this beautiful day on a road trip with your family won’t.
4. That Book You Never Get Around to Reading

You know … that book you always throw into your bag, thinking you’ll definitely read it this time, and then you never do? Seriously, don’t bother. Give it away and find one you’re excited about. Or two! Save the space for what you’ll actually use.
3. Just-in-Case Food Items
Do you like to pack canned goods for “just in case”, even though your itinerary has you spending all your time in major cities? Skip it. Having a few staples so you can always whip something up is highly recommended. Carrying your bunker for the zombie apocalypse is overkill.
2. Your Fancy Clothes & Shoes

Spending all your time in fancy bars in Manhattan? Go for it. But whether your road trip will take you hiking, fishing or swimming, be realistic about what you’ll be wearing! Make sure you’ve got enough comfy clothes. If you’re only dressing up once, no need to bring more than one pair of fancy shoes.
1. Your Cares & Worries
The best road trip is the one where you truly leave it all behind. Work and stress will be there later, when you get back. Focus on the present, enjoy the fresh air and as Elsa likes to say, let it go!
Remember, Outdoorsy can help you when you’re ready to rent an RV for your trip. What are your top picks to bring and leave behind?